Data Protection Policy


This privacy notice explains how North Cotes College intends to comply with the General Data Protection Regulations.

North Cotes College (NCC) is the training programme for New Tribes Mission, UK (NTM-UK), a registered UK charity (Z5904410).
By submitting your contact details and/or enquiry, you are agreeing to our Data Protection Policy and Privacy Policy.  Under the Data Protection Act 2018 you have the right to see the personal data that we hold on you. If you would like a copy of the personal data that we hold about you or if you have any queries, concerning how your data is being processed please contact our Data Protection Officer at<>, call 01472387708 or alternatively you can write to New Tribes Mission UK.

You have the right to lodge a complaint about how we handle your data with the Information Commissioners Office.

Contact Information
North Cotes College, Kenneth Campbell Road, North Cotes, Lincolnshire, DN36 5XU

North Cotes College (NCC) uses the personal information that you provide us with through the "Contact Us" page on this website to respond to your enquiry.  This data is limited to your name, email address, and phone number.  By submitting your information to us you agree for it to be used according to this privacy policy.

Data Transmission
To best respond to your enquiry, NCC may transmit data to other departments within NTM-UK or with other global partner's with whom we are connected in accordance with our Global Partnership Agreement.

Data Storage and Security
NCC regards the lawful and correct treatment of personal information as very important to successful working, and to maintaining the confidence of those with whom we deal.  To this end, NCC will adhere to the Principles of Data Protection, as detailed in the Data Protection Act 2018.

We take all reasonable steps to ensure any information and records relating to Data Subjects will be stored securely and will only be accessible to authorised members and volunteers.

In addition, NCC will ensure that:

*   Everyone processing personal information understands that they are contractually responsible for following good data protection practice

*   Everyone processing personal information is appropriately trained to do so

*   Everyone processing personal information is appropriately supervised

*   Anybody wanting to make enquiries about handling personal information knows what to do

We will only store your information for as long as it is needed and then it will be disposed of appropriately.

NCC will review this privacy notice regularly.

Contact Details

North Cotes College, North Cotes, Grimsby, Lincolnshire, DN36 5XU, UK


Phone: +44(0)1472 387711